Learn Android App Development from Scratch - Become a Real Android Developer - Start your coding career.
Meisam Mansourzadeh
(0) - 0 Reviews
- 288 Students Enrolled
- 34:09 Hours
Course Overview
Do you want to become an Android Developer & start publishing your apps?
You like to stay home & learn from your own computer?
You need to learn about the latest technology & app development?
You have brilliant ideas & you need to develop them by creating your own apps by your hand?
Then this course is for you! Get Enrolled!! Start building your own app!!!
You can build your career as an android developer today by taking this complete course which begins with a look at why learning how to code android applications is an outstanding skill to learn for freelancing online and jumps straight into making your own android application within the first hour of the course! From there we cover the basics of java and continue to guide you to the point of becoming a master of android development in the android studio!
Who this course is for:
- Android Developers
- App Developers
- Java Programmer
- Anyone Who Want To Learn Mobile App Development
What you'll learn
- Introduction and setup
- Create your first application
- Java core
- User Interface
- Shortcuts and Debugging
- Activities and Fragments
- Background tasks
- Networking
- Databases
- Content Providers
Course Curriculum
Contents 00:13:00
Contents 00:13:00
Setup your environment 00:14:00
Setup your environment 00:14:00
Build your first appli... 00:13:00
Build your first application part-1 00:13:00
Build your first appli... 00:14:00
Build your first application part-2 00:14:00
Challenge 00:10:00
Challenge 00:10:00
Concurrency in java - ... 00:14:00
Concurrency in java - Exceptions 00:14:00
Challenge-1 00:14:00
Challenge-1 00:14:00
Challenge-2 00:14:00
Challenge-2 00:14:00
Java variables and ari... 00:19:00
Relational and logical... 00:14:00
Loops and Challenge 00:11:00
Loops and Challenge 00:11:00
Challenge Solution 00:11:00
Challenge Solution 00:11:00
Arrays 00:09:00
Arrays 00:09:00
Object Oriented Progra... 00:20:00
Object Oriented Programming part-1 00:20:00
Object Oriented Progra... 00:16:00
Object Oriented Programming part-2 00:16:00
Object Oriented Progra... 00:22:00
Collections in java 00:20:00
Collections in java 00:20:00
Static keyword - Inner... 00:26:00
User Interface Basics ... 00:20:00
User Interface Basics part-1 00:20:00
User Interface Basics ... 00:24:00
User Interface Basics part-2 00:24:00
Constraint layout - re... 00:20:00
List View and Spinner ... 00:18:00
Different XML files 00:18:00
Different XML files 00:18:00
Look different in diff... 00:08:00
Challenge and Solution... 00:22:00
Challenge and Solution - 1 00:22:00
Challenge and Solution... 00:19:00
Challenge and Solution - 2 00:19:00
First Sample Applicati... 00:16:00
Logs - List View - Gra... 00:25:00
Recycler View Adapter ... 00:16:00
Recycler View Adapter Continued 00:16:00
Recycler View Continu... 00:23:00
Show all books - Inten... 00:19:00
Fix Book layout - Add ... 00:22:00
Improve the app - add ... 00:24:00
Redesign app logic - ... 00:27:00
Delete books by long p... 00:22:00
Android Studio Environ... 00:17:00
Debugging - logs - ex... 00:17:00
Activities Concept and... 00:15:00
Navigate between activ... 00:15:00
Intetnt actions and ty... 00:20:00
Calendar - Challenge 00:24:00
Calendar - Challenge 00:24:00
SaveInstanceState - An... 00:22:00
Fragments 00:10:00
Fragments 00:10:00
Pass data with call ba... 00:17:00
Image Slider App 00:20:00
Image Slider App 00:20:00
047 - Challenge - Crea... 00:15:00
Challenge - Create a g... 00:32:00
Challenge - Create a g... 00:24:00
050 - Challenge - Crea... 00:16:00
Threads and Async Task 00:22:00
Threads and Async Task 00:22:00
Started Services 00:21:00
Started Services 00:21:00
Bound Services 00:18:00
Bound Services 00:18:00
Job Scheduler 00:20:00
Job Scheduler 00:20:00
Work Manager 00:19:00
Work Manager 00:19:00
Create a news feed rea... 00:27:00
Create a news feed rea... 00:14:00
JSON concept and parsi... 00:17:00
JSON concept and parsing with Gson 00:17:00
Volley and Http Method... 00:18:00
Volley and Http Methods 00:18:00
Networking with Retrof... 00:21:00
Networking with Retrofit 00:21:00
Creating the navigatio... 00:18:00
Creating the navigation drawer 00:18:00
Bottom navigation vie... 00:20:00
Initialize shared pref... 00:22:00
Customized sorting - ... 00:26:00
Show items in grocery ... 00:31:00
Handle rating - add it... 00:22:00
Handle rating - add items to cart 00:22:00
Finish search activity 00:21:00
Finish search activity 00:21:00
Handle rating - Debug ... 00:19:00
Create cart activity 00:29:00
Create cart activity 00:29:00
Debug cart activity a... 00:22:00
Create third cart frag... 00:22:00
Add Popularity Points ... 00:20:00
Track user behavior an... 00:25:00
Final debugging and im... 00:12:00
Final debugging and improvement 00:12:00
Basic SQL commands 1 00:16:00
Basic SQL commands 1 00:16:00
Basic SQL commands 2 00:25:00
Basic SQL commands 2 00:25:00
SQLite Challenge 00:13:00
SQLite Challenge 00:13:00
SQLOpenHelper class 00:22:00
SQLOpenHelper class 00:22:00
Implement SQLite datab... 00:17:00
Implement SQLite database 00:17:00
More on SQLite databas... 00:21:00
More on SQLite databases and cursors 00:21:00
SQLite Database Challe... 00:17:00
SQLite Database Challenge 1 00:17:00
SQLite Database Challe... 00:19:00
SQLite Database Challenge 2 00:19:00
SQLite Database Challe... 00:17:00
SQLite Database Challenge 3 00:17:00
Take a photo using cam... 00:15:00
Handle Permissions cor... 00:16:00
Handle Permissions correctly 00:16:00
Room Database 00:20:00
Room Database 00:20:00
Room Database Implemen... 00:20:00
Composition - Abstract... 00:32:00
Room Database challeng... 00:27:00
Room Database challenge - part 1 00:27:00
Room Database challeng... 00:29:00
Room Database challenge - part 2 00:29:00
Content Providers conc... 00:15:00
Insert, Update and Del... 00:21:00
Challenge - Using Cont... 00:24:00
Search, Delete and Upd... 00:24:00
Insert a contact using... 00:16:00
Create Database and Re... 00:18:00
Create Content Provid... 00:17:00
Retrieve data from da... 00:19:00
Insert, Update, Delete... 00:25:00
Share your application... 00:28:00
Create Notification Ch... 00:19:00
Make actions for notif... 00:18:00
Large text, Big pictur... 00:16:00
Media and Messaging st... 00:30:00
Group notifications - ... 00:31:00
Set a custom view for ... 00:15:00
Set a custom view for notification 00:15:00
Item Reviews - 0
Submit Reviews
This Course Include:
- 34:09 Hours On-Demand Videos
- 114 Lessons
- Lifetime Access
- Access on Mobile and TV