A complete Python course for both beginners and intermediates! .
IT Expert Training
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- 90 Students Enrolled
- 17:43 Hours
Course Overview
The Python Course is the most practical course you will find on the web today.
This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.
The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world – Huge companies like Google use it in mission-critical applications like Google Search. And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need expert knowledge of Python, and that’s what you will get from this course.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.
Who this course is for:
- Beginners with no previous programming experience looking to obtain the skills to get their first programming job.
- Anyone looking to to build the minimum Python programming skills necessary as a pre-requisites for moving into machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.
- Existing programmers who want to improve their career options by learning the Python programming language.
What you'll learn
- Introduction And Setup
- Basics Of Programming In Python3
- Functions
- Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries ...
- Files In Python3
- Error Handling
- Object Oriented Programming
- Regular Expressions
- Interacting With HTTP
- Networking In Python3
- Threading
Course Curriculum
Welcome to Python3 Cou... 00:04:00
Welcome to Python3 Course! 00:04:00
Why you should learn P... 00:04:00
Why you should learn Python3 00:04:00
Installing Python3 On ... 00:08:00
Installing Python3 On Windows 00:08:00
Installing Python3 On ... 00:08:00
Installing Python3 On Ubuntu And MAC 00:08:00
Taking a Closer Look A... 00:05:00
Taking a Closer Look At Python3 IDLE 00:05:00
Math Operators 00:12:00
Math Operators 00:12:00
Strings 00:08:00
Strings 00:08:00
Variables and Variable... 00:11:00
Variables and Variable Naming Rules 00:11:00
Our First Program! 00:12:00
Our First Program! 00:12:00
Type, Len, Str, Int, F... 00:09:00
True Or False Boolean 00:10:00
True Or False Boolean 00:10:00
IF Statement 00:05:00
IF Statement 00:05:00
IF & ELSE 00:13:00
IF & ELSE 00:13:00
Using ELIF For Multipl... 00:09:00
Using ELIF For Multiple Statements 00:09:00
While Loop 00:16:00
While Loop 00:16:00
Leaving Infinite Loop ... 00:07:00
Leaving Infinite Loop With Break 00:07:00
Using Continue in a Lo... 00:05:00
Using Continue in a Loop 00:05:00
FOR Loop 00:10:00
FOR Loop 00:10:00
Importing Python Libra... 00:12:00
Importing Python Libraries 00:12:00
Defining Functions In ... 00:15:00
Defining Functions In Python3 00:15:00
Local and Global Varia... 00:10:00
Local and Global Variables 00:10:00
Coding Guess The Numbe... 00:16:00
Coding Guess The Number Program 00:16:00
Reverse A String Funct... 00:07:00
Reverse A String Function 00:07:00
Calculate Area Of a Ci... 00:11:00
Calculate Area Of a Circle Program 00:11:00
Simple Python Calculat... 00:15:00
Simple Python Calculator 00:15:00
Removing Vowels From S... 00:13:00
Removing Vowels From String Program 00:13:00
Find The Largest Numbe... 00:16:00
Find The Largest Number Out Of Three 00:16:00
Python3 Lists 00:15:00
Python3 Lists 00:15:00
Creating Smaller Out O... 00:09:00
Creating Smaller Out Of Bigger List 00:09:00
Manipulating Lists And... 00:08:00
Manipulating Lists And Elements 00:08:00
append, insert, remove... 00:11:00
append, insert, remove, sort 00:11:00
Tuples 00:13:00
Tuples 00:13:00
Introduction To Dictio... 00:11:00
Introduction To Dictionaries 00:11:00
values, keys, items, g... 00:08:00
values, keys, items, get 00:08:00
Dictionary Comprehensi... 00:08:00
Dictionary Comprehension 1 00:08:00
Dictionary Comprehensi... 00:07:00
Dictionary Comprehension 2 00:07:00
Advance String Manipul... 00:12:00
Advance String Manipulation 00:12:00
Upper(),lower(),isuppe... 00:09:00
Upper(),lower(),isupper(),islower() 00:09:00
Split, Strip, Join, St... 00:13:00
Navigating Through Sys... 00:30:00
Reading And Writing To... 00:16:00
Reading And Writing To Files 00:16:00
Reversing Text From a ... 00:17:00
Reversing Text From a File 00:17:00
Try and Except 00:13:00
Try and Except 00:13:00
Try and Finally 00:16:00
Try and Finally 00:16:00
Classes 00:22:00
Classes 00:22:00
Changing Class Attribu... 00:10:00
Changing Class Attributes 00:10:00
Built In Class Attribu... 00:08:00
Built In Class Attributes 00:08:00
Using Your Class In a ... 00:05:00
Using Your Class In A ... 00:26:00
Using Your Class In A Program 00:26:00
Implementing Students ... 00:05:00
Implementing Students Count Option 00:05:00
Overriding Methods In ... 00:08:00
Overriding Methods In A Class 00:08:00
Class Inheritance 00:12:00
Class Inheritance 00:12:00
Printing And Calculati... 00:30:00
Diffrent Date Formats 00:09:00
Diffrent Date Formats 00:09:00
Extracting Useful Data... 00:23:00
Extracting Useful Data 00:23:00
Regex 1 00:24:00
Regex 1 00:24:00
Regex 2 00:17:00
Regex 2 00:17:00
Performing HTTP GET Re... 00:20:00
Performing HTTP GET Request 00:20:00
Performing Post Reques... 00:04:00
Performing Post Request 00:04:00
Handling Website Redir... 00:03:00
Handling Website Redirections 00:03:00
BeautifulSoup 00:29:00
BeautifulSoup 00:29:00
Encoding In Requests 00:12:00
Encoding In Requests 00:12:00
Session And Cookies 00:21:00
Session And Cookies 00:21:00
SSL Certificate, Authe... 00:21:00
SSL Certificate, Authentication 00:21:00
Json Library And Proxi... 00:21:00
Json Library And Proxies 00:21:00
Socket Terminology 00:09:00
Socket Terminology 00:09:00
Connecting Two Machine... 00:22:00
Connecting Two Machines 00:22:00
Coding a Chat Program 00:35:00
Coding a Chat Program 00:35:00
Receiving Desired Ammo... 00:20:00
Receiving Desired Ammount of Data 00:20:00
Socket Timeout and Opt... 00:09:00
Socket Timeout and Options 00:09:00
UDP Server & Clien... 00:13:00
UDP Server & Client 00:13:00
AF_UNIX & Raw_sock... 00:14:00
AF_UNIX & Raw_sockets 00:14:00
Thread & Threading... 00:50:00
Thread & Threading 00:50:00
Theory Behind Threaded... 00:15:00
Theory Behind Threaded Server 00:15:00
Sending Emails Using S... 00:32:00
Sending Emails Using SMTPlib 00:32:00
PDF Files 00:11:00
PDF Files 00:11:00
Images In Python 00:16:00
Images In Python 00:16:00
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This Course Include:
- 17:43 Hours On-Demand Videos
- 77 Lessons
- Lifetime Access
- Access on Mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion